One of the coolest pieces of artwork I ever saw was made of mac and cheese boxes.
It was slightly larger than an average-sized door, and took up a big section of wall. I can’t remember where I saw it, unfortunately. Anyway, it was nothing but the cut-out fronts of macaroni and cheese boxes. No two were alike in brand. Most were grocery-store names, like Western Family or Select or companies you have never heard of, as seen below. The monotony in the cover design was incredible. Bowl + spoon + dinner.
Anyway, I took two cool things away from this mosaic of macaroni:
+ The manufacturers often shared the same stock photography of bowls of mac and cheese. The bowl sometimes featured a sprig of parsley as a garnish. Does anyone do this?
+ Just by viewing this wall of genius, one could tell that the artist had traveled all around the country just to assemble this collection.
So, I googled and came upon a guy’s website which, yes, is a collection of mac and cheese boxes. It also has a FAQ. I do not think this is the same guy who did the collage I saw in the early 90s. But who knows, really. Who knows.