Well, the Giants are out of it. Bastards. Not that we didn’t all kind of see this coming after that nine-game losing streak a couple months ago. Ugh.
And hey Oakland A’s, wtf? That’s all I have to say about THAT.
I am ashamed of the huge stack of unread New Yorker magazines on my dining table. I refuse to throw them out. THEY WILL BE READ! Or you know, I will read “Talk of the Town” and then pick a couple articles and movie reviews.
I went to the library on Sunday and checked out a few books. One is about Alaskan wild flowers. In fact that is the title. I spent about twenty minutes on the library computer looking for a book with this subject, and found nothing, so I ended up just wandering over to that general area and browsing until the title jumped out at me. Maybe SFPL needs to upgrade their search technology. I have another suggestion for them: it’s great that they have a Deaf Resource Center, not so great that it’s behind locked doors Sunday and Monday, and that includes all books on the subject.
Allison and Jesse are going to be here in a week! YAY. Oh shit I really need to go grocery shopping, huh. We had pancakes for dinner last night. Sure, they were healthy whole wheat pancakes, but still. This was due in part to Brian’s dental recovery, but also because we’re running low on supplies.
Oh and, Marmaduke, explained.
I am so pumped that the Tigers are going to the playoffs for the first time since 1987. Going from 119 loses 3 years ago to tied with the Yankees for the winningest team in MLB. If I am in some sort of Terri Schiavo-type coma/dream world, I don’t want to wake up!