I was deleting some old email from my work inbox when I discovered a very early draft of my book that I sent myself back in March. So it has been almost eight months since I started this thing. It’s neat to see how much of the story has remained. Back then it was written in first-person, and in a kind of diary format. That was abandoned months ago.
I liked reading it, though. First-person gives such a rich view of the character’s voice. I wonder how I can capture this using the third-person POV. I don’t know. Maybe I should quit doing so much revising and just plow through the story until I reach the end, then start massive rewrites. But it’s not like one way is better than another, right?
Anyway, I’m taking the weekend off from the book. Tonight Brian and I are flying to Virginia. In the morning we’ll drive our rented car for a few hours to Norfolk, where my brother will be married tomorrow night. It shall be a whirlwind visit. I have never been to this part of America before. I’ll take plenty of photos.
Did you ever figure out if you’d have time to hang out? Let me know if you do.
I just finally got online… we will be in DC tomorrow afternoon, taking the metro in to hang out a bit, but we have no solid plans… I’ll let you know!