I just finished reading this story that I last worked on back in February. Shortly after my last edits to it, I started the book I am now still writing. But I kept all this old stuff, and in fact found it archived in a folder on my work PC.
Reading through it (six short chapters), I remember how fond I was of this story, but I knew when I was writing it that I didn’t really have a good ending. Maybe that’s why I abandoned it. Funny, because when I started my current book, I didn’t come up with an ending for like three months.
The book I set aside was supposed to be this sort of futuristic, dire story about this girl who is a spy or double-agent and is hiding out as a servant, working for some pig right-wing politician. But she’s like, a ninja and shit. It was totally sweet. But in the end, I knew that I didn’t have the energy to devote to the parts of the plot that would need to be written, so I put it away. Didn’t delete it though, which is good because I still like some of the little scenes and descriptions.
Hey! My two weeks of “vacation” starts in 20 minutes! Instead of going to Hawaii or going home for the holidays, I have made a promise to spend my two weeks off working on my no-vel. It comes at an opportune time, since right now, I am ON FIRE. Figuratively.
The song in my head (see music tag) has been giving me so much pleasure. I think it may have to go in the soundtrack.