One of our off-site servers blew up, so right now I am sitting here at work with nothing to do. Zzzzz. I already did my crossword. It was moderately challenging. I kind of love the escalating level of difficulty. I still can’t really conquer the Saturday one, though. Maybe if I focused more and didn’t let myself become constantly distracted.
Anyway. Bored. It’s supposed to rain for a week here. I brought my umbrella. It’s going to rain on our holiday weekend. Oh well. More time in the hot tub.
I have been working on my book a little bit this week. The chapter(s) I am stuck on is/are extremely … weird? I don’t know. I just want to get them finished. Yes, this makes no sense. Sorry. I sent fourteen chapters of this bastard out to a few people several weeks ago, still haven’t heard anything. Things to look forward to: massive rewrites after traveling to Alaska, removing entire scenes that don’t need to be there, embarrassment every time I have to type the word “penis.”
For valentine’s day we are staying home and I am thinking about baking cupcakes or something. And making a really good dinner. I should probably come up with a menu now, huh. Stuffed bell peppers? I love making those. Anyone have a good recipe for me? I lost mine. It involved ground turkey, rice, and pine nuts.
On stuffed peppers.. I will inquire of ex-chef-husband and report back, how’s that sound?
Mmmm, cupcakes, a nice idea. Perhaps I shall make some as well.. Have the kids help decorate = a project and a treat, both.
Oooh that would be great! Thanks!
I like baking, but most of what I make usually ends up being distributed to coworkers and friends. I WISH I could eat a whole bunch of cupcakes, but that might not be such a good idea.
speaking of, I was going to ask you to bring a copy, if it is convient for yaz.
yeah. rain up here. it isn’t awful though. talk to me about your route before you go. i want to make sure you know what to expect any way you travel…
did you call the restaurant/hotel or do you want me to?
I emailed you….
You know, you could always just type some other word instead of penis, and then do a find & replace. That might be weirder though.