I bought something from Bluefly.com a couple nights ago, and was dismayed to find this morning that they use DHL for their shipping carrier.
Everyone cross your fingers for me!
Oh and speaking of crossing your fingers and the initials D.H.L., my mom has a second interview today at a new dental practice, so please join me in sending as many postitive vibes northward as possible.
is dhl bad?
DHL drivers don’t get paid shit, so they don’t give a shit. My 2 best personal DHL stories:
-My friend works in a video game/electronics store that sells used stuff and therefore does buybacks. There is a DHL driver who is always coming in to sell PILES of brand-new, just-released video games, i.e. he is stealing them off of his truck or from the center. Fool does not even take off his uniform, first.
-I disallowed DHL shipping of protocols at my old job after I had an extremely urgent, valuable, and HIGHLY confidential document (that was supposed to require a sig on delivery) show up a week late, torn open, missing pages, and half-crammed under my office door (I had a secure mailbox right down the hall) via DHL.
Oh, no! I’ll cross everything. They’re HORRIBLE here.