(I have had oily blemishy skin since I was fifteen.)
My skin is clear today. It doesn’t happen very often, that *I* think it’s clear. There’s always something, some bump or spot.
I has been steadily clearing up all week. But last night, I went to bed without putting anything on it, no acne gel, no moisturizer. Maybe that’s the secret — quit putting crap on it.
Also I have been sampling a new moisturizer all week. It’s pricey, but since my skin is so fucking reactive, if I can find something that works, I don’t care what it costs. And the cheap stuff doesn’t work.
Also my period just ended.
And a couple days ago I did a nice clay/sulfur mask.
And I did hot bikram yoga thrice last week, which I KNOW cleared out my pores bigtime. Is that not where the sweat escapes?
And I no longer go to work. Hmm.
So maybe less is more, just wash mildly in the AM, put on moisturizer with SPF, and at night wash again. No special serums or gels or bullshit.
Some combination of all that has cleared up my face.
Watch, tomorrow I’ll wake up with a big bastard breakout on my forehead.