Once again, no nanowrimo for me, for you see, I am 140,000 words into my stupid novel already, therefore am overly qualified.
But hey, maybe I’ll take it as an invitation to use this coming month as a time to get a shitload of my book goals accomplished.
I made yummy sloppy joe filling and it’s currently sitting in a pot on the stove, flavorizing. Meaning that the more it sits there, the more yummy it becomes.
No Halloween for us tonight, aside from our facilitating diabetes and tooth decay in local children. I am just not into Halloween. I will be when we have a kid of our own, I guess, though the thought of pumping 5000 sugary calories into a tiny growing body in one sitting makes me a little sick.
It was so deliciously gray and chilly today. Our street is absolutely littered with dead leaves. I got to wear my brown tweed jacket and a cashmere scarf today, and we went downtown for a little while, where I enjoyed my first eggnog latte of the year. Must try to keep self reined in in that department.
How many words is 60 pp double-spaced? That is where my thesis is at. I hope to have a draft to you within the next week. It will still have some gaps, and need re-arranging, but it’s 90% complete.
Oh boy!! Are you using the version of Word I gave you? Just go to the Tools menu and there should be a Word Count command in there. Also it might be displayed in the lower right hand corner of the document itself…