I am going to get up at 7:30 am and walk downtown to get coffee. And back. It’s 3 miles round trip. The only thing that will stop me is pouring rain. POURING rain, not the other kind.
And how is everyone anyway? It seems quiet around here lately. maybe it’s just me, and my boring boring posts.
Hello. I’m adding you. You seem interesting.
well, cheers. Especially since this post is about how I feel so boring.
The post police
Did you? Did you get up? Hmmm? I feel like you are keeping us on tenterhooks here.
I’m trying to finish this epic spreadsheet and working on my French class, that is what I’m doing. How I am is I feel great now that I got over a rotten cold. Avoid the cold that’s going around! Bring your Purell with you everywhere.
Re: The post police
I did it! Well, I got up at 7:45, but close enough. And I did indeed walk downtown, listening to a BBC podcast, and then I drank coffee sitting outside the small town cafe, reading the very wee newspaper. A couple of dudes made small town small talk with me. Then I walked home, listening to Feist. This afternoon I get to go back downtown with Brian, to visit our insurance agent to find out why our car insurance mysteriously costs the same in Kitsap as it does in SF, when it should be half as much. wheeeeee!
Re: The post police
this is so funny because i was just going to post the same thing, well, minus the french class stuff.
thanks for the answer jane!