When I eat fat, especially animal fat, my gall bladder pokes me in the ribs as hard as it can, like the end of a broomstick.
When I don’t eat fat, especially animal fat, it calms down.
Ergo, I am cutting back dramatically on the animal fats, especially in red meat and whole milk. Watching the amount of cheese I eat. Eating natural free-range chicken with no skin, in small portions. Avoiding all ice cream and buttery pastries etc. Intending to separate egg yolks from whites.
This is obviously good for me in more ways than just dealing with my crappy gall bladder. You know, I was vegetarian for about eight years. It was easier back then because my speedy metabolism allowed me to live on a diet of burritos and bagels and pasta, and still stay skinny. Not so much the case now.
Luckily, I love salads, I love brown rice, I love avocados, etc. Time to look up some lite veggie recipes.
so i am avoiding ice cream successfully. i really thought it would be impossible, but the i discovered Whole Soy and Company’s frozen Yogurt. OMG, it is amazing, especially the mocha fudge. incredibly creamy. even Skip, the boy who curls his nose at the idea of soy, could not tell the difference. ive hooked the neighbors on it as well.
and its good for you.
I will see if I can find it! But how is the sugar content? I thought with frozen desserts you either had to have a lot of sugar or a lot of fat.
Don’t forget fish, shellfish, and how about eggbeaters? Mom
check it! the post punk kitchen girls..heard about them on the NPR books podcast!