I want this
Ribcage/gall bladder pain returned Tuesday night. Tuesday morning I felt fine as the doctor told me that my gall bladder is highly inefficient, filling and emptying at an abysmal rate, which is probably causing me discomfort. It’s not a necessary organ, luckily. I will probably need surgery. Because I have been at my job only a month, my time off will be unpaid. Boo. Maybe I can have it done on a Friday and be back at work the following Wednesday.
Work has been really busy this week, getting lots done. Lots of mental exercise. Wish I could say the same for the rest of my body! All free time is still devoted to either relaxing on the couch or putting house together. Good news is I now have a dresser. Just need to set aside a few hours to organize my clothes. Most of which I haven’t worn or seen since August.
I am feeling worried about You….. I hope you are well!
aw, thanks! I hope you are well, too. I’ve just been super busy.