We have the most well-adjusted cats on earth. We brought them to our house last night and released them in the living room. They ran around a while, sniffing everything. Sasha learned how to climb a staircase, which was extremely funny. Within a couple hours, they were chillin on the bed. They found the litterbox. They became instantly acclimated. Slept on the bed with us as usual. No hiding, no serious anxiety. Lots of purring and talking and even playing. Sasha was so glad to see our couch again; right now he is curled up asleep on his old favorite spot on the back of the cushion.
So, we are home. The six-month limbo is drawing to a close. Now the fun of unpacking and arranging begins, and will probably take a few weeks. Because I hate unpacking.
And oh my GOD we missed our bed. It’s so amazingly comfortable compared to the one in my dad’s house.
The cats must see the comfort in your new home too. 🙂 Congrats!