I’ve spent much of the day walking around in a bikini top and shorts. Outside, too.
I don’t recall the last time I did that in SF.
Kona and I went on a long walk this morning. It was 10am and about 75 degrees. She likes to pull on the leash, but I make her heel the whole time. She also weaves around a lot, and doesn’t watch what I am doing, so I stepped on her toe once. I need to teach her to follow my pace, and walk in a straight line. Hmm.
Other than that she is a very good girl.
I know that Petsmart has puppy and dog obdience classes, but also check you local rec center (remember taking the obdience class with Twodee?) That was through Mountlake Terrace Recreation Center. Mom
yeah I am going to sign her up for a class soon. I asked my vet to give me some info but then she forgot and so did I.