+ Mmm Vivace espresso, KEXP livestreamed, sunny cold weather outside, almost naked trees, nice fall friday.
+ I enrolled in the 401(k) program with my company this week. I can’t imagine a better time to start one, really. Time to buy, not sell. Hopefully the world will figure that shit out soon. In the meantime, I’m still not panicking, though also not checking on my Gap shares, and not planning to spend much for xmas this year. But I think it would have been like that regardless. Who needs more crap, anyway? I’ll be baking cookies, or maybe I’ll make granola again. That was fun.
+ Opinions on dog sweaters/coats for single-coated dogs in cold climates? Kona doesn’t have an undercoat and she’s skinny. I have a feeling she’s gonna start shivering on her walks soon, and that would be the only reason to put her in a (tasteful!!) sweater or coat. Yes, I realize “dogs can live outside.” But, isn’t it considered cruel to make dogs live outside when it’s cold? That’s why we let them live in our homes with us, and provide warmth, food, and shelter for them. And a sweater! Right?
+ My friend Ert sent me a piece of framed artwork she made. I am going to hang it up this weekend. It’s an ink drawing of a Victorian house.
+ This weekend I shall also be doing some pre-winter yardwork. Sweeping needles, raking, weeding, and pruning. I think my tomatoes will freeze to death next week, if they already haven’t. I have picked many large green ones and put them into a brown bag. I need green tomato recipes. I understand they are good when fried.
My ex and I had one of these for my late puppy Jodi. She hated it at first, but with time, all we had to do was lay it out on the floor and she’d scamper over and put her feet in the leg holes herself.
Would be helpful if I provided a link
Those look good, especially as they are fleece and look like they’d be easy to put on and take off the dog.
Dog Sweater’s
So I don’t know much about Kona’s breed but often dogs will grow a winter coat as the weather gets colder. I am sure you have probably researched the breed though and know if Kona will or not. If not it looks like that fleece one would work well and I saw a greyhound today wearing a very nice knit sweater. (not home made) my dogs aways grow a winter coat even though they are mostly inside dogs. Makes for a lot of shedding come spring but no clothing necessary.
You’ll have to see what sort of coat she develops as the weather changes. My dogs have no undercoat right now–they are shedding their summer coats and growing their winter coats still.
I do have a coat for Flint in the winter. He only uses it if it’s really chilly (below freezing) or wet.
I rather like the coats sold by Sitstay.com, in particular,
this one.
Wow, what a rad site!! Thank you, I will bookmark it.
If Kona is a Formosan Mountain Dog she probably is not used to the cold humid climate, so a coat of some sort which is warm but breathes, light weight wool or wool cotton maybe. Love, MOM