1. Package departs Memphis, TN, Saturday 1/3 at 6:18pm. Scheduled delivery date is 1/8 (today).
2. Package arrives Salt Lake City, Sunday 1/4 at 11:38pm.
3. Package spends the next two days sitting there gathering dust for no particular reason.
4. Package departs Salt Lake City on 1/6 at 8:17pm.
5. “ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS”, Seattle, WA 12:28 am, early Wednesday (1/7) morning. Of course the big rainstorm didn’t start until about 12 hours later.
6. Package arrives in Portland, OR (?!) on 1/7 at 10:51pm. It is presumably still there.
The rain from last night has closed a long section of I-5 between here and Portland.
One imagines that if my package hadn’t lingered for two days in Salt Lake City, presumably so that it wouldn’t arrive early heaven forfend, it wouldn’t now be made LATE by weather.
Who knows when I’ll get it now.