+ I made a list of to-dos for this weekend that’s 20 items long. I am compelled to be extra-productive these days. Maybe because my energy levels are highest at midday and afternoon, when I would normally be at work, sitting here. In the evening I’m just tired. Wednesday night I was ready for bed at, I shit you not, about 8:45. I hung on until 9:30.
+ This morning on the way to the park and ride I lamented to Brian that it wasn’t so very long ago that I was the kind of person who could open my eyes when the alarm went off in the morning, jump right out of bed and get started with my day. Since becoming pregnant however, I must lay in bed, slowly chewing on something, taking little breaks to lie down again, until almost 30 minutes later, I feel it’s safe to stand up without the threat of barfing. I just have to be very careful with my delicate constitution. Brian has been good about bringing me something after he feeds the animals, either a yogurt, or part of a muffin, or a small bowl of cereal.
+ Lunch today: egg salad on foccacia with arugula and cucumbers. Oh so messy and good.
+ My dad gets back into town Monday after being gone since September. I’m going to have to be all hardline about the smoking around me, but other than that I’m really excited to see him!