My lovely sunny three-day weekend was pretty much ruined by the cold I developed starting Saturday morning and continuing until right now and probably into tomorrow. Lots of violent coughing, aches, a low but very real fever, etc etc. Last night I kind of freaked out as the fever climbed over 100 degrees and I started worrying about the baby, who was kicking me as energetically as ever. She’s fine.
Saturday night was hell, as it is every 4th of July here — pretty much sounded like a war outside, non-stop very loud explosions until 1am. I was ill and miserable in bed, failing to sleep through it, wondering how much the baby could hear. It should be no surprise that this happens since there are about a dozen gigantic fireworks stands in place all around my town starting in early May. I have never gotten the appeal of blowing things up. Maybe it’s my lack of a penis. Anyway.
I hate being sick. I didn’t even leave the house Saturday — a glorious hot sunny 4th, I’ve been told. Friday was nice though, that was when my sickness was still a teeny sore spot on the left side of my throat. My dad came over and helped us plant some juniper trees in boxes along the front porch. It’s starting to look a lot nicer out front. And of course our pretty new kitchen sink was finally finished. We went to my dad’s to grill hot dogs, and the Mariners beat the Red Sox.
That’s all for now. I really need a shower.
I have never gotten the appeal of blowing things up. Maybe it’s my lack of a penis.
you’re probably right about this. i can think of no other reason that blowing things up so appeals to me, but it does.
Heh. I actually don’t mind watching a good fireworks show, it’s just the actual lighting the fuse myself that has never appealed to me. Maybe I am just a fraidy cat.