Check out this beautiful site: Making it Lovely. The blog is good, and the author’s interior design aesthetic is something I could only dream of being able to execute, but mainly I was drooling over the web design. There’s a lot going on but it’s so orderly and well-edited… man. Inspiring. I have never considered myself a real “web designer” — I’ve always been more on the coding/technical side of it. But this page relies so much on heavy CSS and JS, it’s a thing of beauty. I wish I had the time to create such a cool site.
Also she has a newborn daughter and I love her stories about her baby, who is of course the most tastefully adorned and furnished baby in all the world. Sigh! Jealousy!
I have nearly reached 31 weeks and feel like I am about to discover new levels of discomfort as we hit the home stretch. Speaking of stretching, sometimes I can actually feel the skin on my belly stretching. It is unpleasant. The baby’s kicks and wriggles become increasingly powerful and insistent, though I can’t say I dislike them. It’s nice to feel her presence. She must feel like her world is growing smaller and smaller, when in fact it’s just that she is getting bigger every day. I still have morning sickness and succumbed this morning to it (I don’t always). Climbing the staircase is a laborious effort — I used to take the steps two at a time. Picking something up off the floor is a surprisingly difficult task.
At least the weather cooled off and my feet aren’t as swollen. But I feel huge. I lumber and waddle to and fro. At week 38 I will most likely have reached the GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME stage, something Nature has set up to prepare women for birth and help us forget about the fears.
Here we are three days before we got pregnant:
Here I am about a year ago: