I’m over Livejournal. So, back to good ol’ Jane.org, with a new spiffy tool. Back in the day, or, pre-2003, I used to hand-code each blog entry in HTML. And then FTP it onto my site. And do the archives by hand. That was insane.
Anyway, I’d like to blog more regularly this year and LJ was interfering with that. Well, also, 24-7 care of my 15-month old daughter.
I’m going to keep my entries brief, I think. I mainly just want to stay in touch with the world in a coherent, non-Facebook-status-update way. And I want to document these early years as a mother for my little one to see someday.
Today we sat at the dinner table, Brian and I with our brown rice and broccoli and open faced cheese on toast. Freya with her bowl of homemade pureed spinach, peas, leeks and pears. She decided she wanted what we were having, despite her reluctance so far to eat very many “whole” foods. I put some rice and broccoli bits on her highchair tray. She of course really wanted toast, so she got a bit of that too. I was worried she wouldn’t eat her own dinner at all. She’s slipping into a “I want to do it myself” phase, I think, but is still unable to feed herself with a spoon.
But when we were done with our food, she decided that she was now fine with the green soup in her bowl, and ate every last bite. Yay.
Then we watched her favorite TV show, which is Jeopardy! She actually only likes it for the theme music, which makes her wiggle her butt.