I took Freya for a little walk before lunchtime today. We went down our street to the play field, which is usually filled with screaming soccer or lacrosse playing children on the weekends.
Once we were a good distance into the large field, I set Freya down and we walked around together for a while, her holding my hand. Then I let her walk herself. She followed me like a little duckling. She bent down to pick up tiny dead leaves, blades of grass, rocks, and a single miniature daisy. I was glad I didn’t put her in a hat, so that she could feel the breeze ruffling her hair.
She certainly enjoyed herself. Every time she saw a school bus pass on the road, she waved at it. She walked around in circles and I had to chase her to make sure she didn’t wander into the blackberry brambles on the edge of the field. But I liked letting her go free like this. It boosts her confidence and gives her the desire to explore the world. No, she will not wear a leash.
Too soon, it was time to go home. Freya really did NOT want to go yet. I had to carry her part of the way to our street. I promised that after her nap we would go play at the park with Evan. I set her down next to a rock bed and let her pick one out. That didn’t really sate her; she wanted to keep playing outside in the sun. By the time we got in the house she was nearly full-on crying. But it was lunch time.
I meant to give her a bowl of puree or a banana or something like that for lunch, but she was all upset and went directly to her boppy on the couch. I figured we would nurse, then have a snack. But she fell asleep there on my lap. So I took her up to bed, and she’s sleeping like the little angel she is. Maybe now I can work on Valentine cards?