Last night I went to a “therapeutic” yoga class in a small studio downtown. I used a five class gift certificate Brian gave me for Mother’s Day last year.
The last time I took an organized yoga class was in August of 2007 in San Francisco. It was a Bikram studio near our apartment in the Sunset. Bikram is also known as “hot yoga” — they turn up the thermostat to like 95 degrees while you do pretty strenuous poses. They were offering a deal at the time: 30 days for $30, so I decided to purchase that and then go for thirty consecutive weekday morning classes. At the end of the month, we would move to Washington.
It was pretty awesome, once I got used to the heat after a few days. I always left feeling like a wet noodle. Also I wasn’t working at the time so I got to go in the morning, then walk home all sweaty and take a shower. It feels so decadent now, thinking about it, as my toddler runs around in the room with me and just taking a shower at all takes major planning.
Anyway, so last night. I was prepared for the kind of yoga I used to do in SF, yoga that felt like exercise, that made me break a sweat. But I guess I picked the wrong class. The whole hour felt to me like one long warm-up. When does the yoga start? I wondered, as everyone lay on their backs, supported by numerous props, in the dark. There were no standing poses at all, no downward dogs, and lots of bolsters and blankets and straps for support. Most of the other participants were also middle-aged or older.
I guess one plus that differentiated it from SF-style yoga was there wasn’t that “competitive” feeling I used to get in those classes, where there were always a few people who were more flexible and fit than everyone else and seemed to be mayyybe showing off. Also this class had no mirror, thank god.
If it did anything, it made me want to start going again regularly, and practicing at home too. But I am going to find a more advanced class next time. It’s a very small studio so I really only have one other choice that fits my schedule: Tuesday at 5:45. I suspect it will be a much more popular class and have a very different vibe. Next week.