Dinner tonight: roasted yams and yukon gold potatoes, black beans with corn and onions, steamed rice, cheese, all rolled up into wheat tortillas. Freya will be having cheese, tortilla, yams and potatoes. She is still not a fan of beans, alas.
Today was so freaking cold I wished I’d had my scarf when Freya and I went downtown to get coffee and run around at the waterfront park. Looks like our bullshit spring will soon be a bullshit summer.
Oh well. At least the cool air makes our morning run more tolerable. Today we did the same 1.6 mile circuit, finished it in 26 minutes with a couple short sprints — midway and at the very end. Felt great afterward and gobbled up a hard boiled egg and an apple.
Want to be reading Desert Solitaire but haven’t found the time. There’s always another chore to do whenever I’m not watching Freya. Reading and minding her are impossible to do at the same time. When she is asleep I do writing or housework or eat lunch. I know, wah wah. This is the ONLY thing I miss about my commute: the ability to read lots of books and listen to podcasts.
Ok, time to go grate the cheese!