I scored this little black leather Coach bag from Etsy today. It was relatively cheap (I’ve seen them go for even less, but I’ve also seen them sell for a LOT more) for a somewhat unusual bag. Two annoying things though: the seller of course described the bag as “vintage”, which is supposed to mean it is over twenty years old. No, this bag was made in 1999. I can do math, and a few minutes of research told me what the serial codes mean. Also, the bag does not have the little Coach hang tag attached, and the seller didn’t disclose that bit of info. Lame. OH WELL. It’s a very sweet, definitely authentic, soft and smooshy leather bag. I plan to rehab it. That is, give it a good bath and conditioning, a process that takes about a week to complete, but you end up with a like-new purse at the end.
The Coach Willis City bag 9153
We went to the beach yesterday morning. Freya ran around in the sand and put her toes in the water and had a good time with Evan as always.
Earlier in the week we went over to Christina’s place because it was very hot and sprinkler fun was warranted. It was Freya’s very first time. She loved it.