Brian got a cold, then passed it to me, and of course now the girls seem to have it, too.
Freya must have a very mild case so far. Poor baby Audrey actually has a little cough, which on a seven month old baby is both sad and worrying. Her spirits are otherwise good though, so I’ll continue giving her her medicine (breastmilk!) and hope she’s over it soon. Freya used to get over cold in less than 48 hours when she was nursing.
Friends passed on a cold cure tip to me that seemed pretty effective: slice a large raw garlic clove in half, place a half into each cheek, leave there for at least thirty minutes, even if it burns a little. Afterward, eat the garlic clove (I minced mine and put it on buttered bread and into the toaster oven). Do this twice a day. Garlic is amazing. Pity my husband is allergic to it.