It has been more than two weeks since I stopped eating tomatoes.
I have suspected for a pretty long time that I might have an intolerance to tomatoes. It seemed that a day after eating large amounts of tomato-based meals, my lower digestive tract would become quite… irritable. A few weeks ago I finally decided to cut out tomato, and see what happened.
I’ve been fine ever since, without getting too personal on the subject.
Rather bummed out… I love making bolognese and other red sauces, and chili, too.
To be fair, I have actually eaten a very small portion: there were two slices of fresh tomato on a burger I ate last week. Seemed to be okay? I don’t know. I suppose I could perform a test this week and make a big pot of tomatoey stew or something, to see if tomato was indeed the culprit, or if I had a coincidental stomach bug.
And given how much cucumber I had a couple nights back, it doesn’t seem to be a nightshade thing.
Clearly I am not an expert on this subject, and this is nowhere close to scientific method.
that would be tough! i don’t loooove tomatoes but i like them in many meals and i do quite enjoy a good grilled cheese and tomato soup so it would be really hard to cut them out. good luck!
You might want to test them both cooked and raw on separate occasions – one of my friends has problems with cooked tomatoes but not raw? Something to do with excess lycopene? Just a suggestion đŸ™‚