I’ve been without any refined sugar, dairy products, flour, legumes, coffee, or tomatoes for seven days. That is a first. My body is quite unused to going without these things, so is in some kind of adjustment phase. I think that’s why this is a 30-day regimen. Like kicking any other physical addiction, it takes time to process cravings, withdrawals, and finally, healing.
I’m still having occasional mild pains. Especially under the ribcage. One thing that was discussed was an ulcer. Yikes. I wonder if the diet and herbs can heal that. Anyway the point is I have less pain, but it’s not totally gone.
What I am noticing is more energy. It’s subtle, but there. I feel as though I’ve lost a couple pounds. I’m getting a bit better sleep. I feel good about EVERYTHING I’m eating. Though I’m still craving waffles and chocolate and cheese, I haven’t wavered off course.
I took a couple yoga classes this week, too. Really awesome. That’s about to be a regular thing. Audrey is definitely capable of being without mommy for an hour or two. She is quite the adventurer, really.
Well that’s about it for now. Twenty-three more days. Then to develop the long term plan and hopefully discover what was troubling my tummy last month.