I’m still re-acclimating to this format, but I am determined. As a kind of test, and a taste of what is to come, my friends, observe the above letter, which I shall transcribe here:
Sir, I am extremely anxious to get across to Head Quarters this night, and it seems hardly possible to cross the river here, or not without great risk. I wish to hire a couple of horses one for myself and one for my servant to cross the river at West Point with a guide to conduct us across the Mountain. I will pay him handsomely for his trouble. You will oblige me singularly if you can assist me upon this occasion.
I am Sir, Yr Most Obed Ser, A. Hamilton, Aide DeCamp to the Commander in ChiefFish Kill Landing, Tuesday Evening (1781)
I never thought I would teach my eyes to read this kind of script, but here we are. This letter was written by Colonel Alexander Hamilton to an unknown person toward the end of the Revolutionary War.