Removing most social media and television from my life — in effect scaling back screen time — has also produced two interesting side effects. First, I noticed that I now engage in much less shopping for unnecessary items. Perhaps I am now more intentional in how I use my time, so I don’t fall into mindless shopping patterns anymore? It sure has saved a lot of money.
I am also somehow sleeping better. I can’t prove that conclusively, but it feels as though the waking up in the middle of the night then laying there restlessly for two hours thing seems to have become less frequent. It is known that light exposure to screens in particular at night has a stimulative effect on the brain. Also to be quite honest, reducing these two mediums has lowered my anxiety by a lot.
I still like TV, I suppose I will watch if something good comes along. I am a big nerd for Antiques Roadshow and historical things and smart comedies. I used to like social media too, but “something” has destroyed that for me in recent weeks/months, and I am actually kind of pissed about that. But I’ll live. There are many other avenues for connection, you see.