I have gone about two weeks without sugar. There are a couple of “exceptions” – fresh fruit of course, and a couple glasses of wine. But most significantly, no sweets or treats. No ice cream, chocolate, dessert, cookies, nothing. Things of that nature were my weakness and I eliminated them entirely. I’m still tempted but it’s not too bad.
In exchange I have what feels like extra energy, less abdominal irritation, less bloating (also taking probiotic), and very soft hair. I know the real effects won’t show up for another two weeks.
My feeling of health has been interfered with however by the current airborne allergy situation. My throat is dusty and gummy and in the morning my nose and eyes both leak. Bleah. Also I am sore because I keep insisting on doing yoga every Friday.
In History news, my current book is “The Marquis: Lafayette Reconsidered.” I am about a third through it and so far I love it. I am quite ignorant of French history and politics, despite my interest in France, so it has been fascinating to read the details of their role in our Revolution. I must say I always dread reading about the French Revolution, and the bloodthirsty guillotines that accompany it.
How is August already here?