Today is my first Mother’s Day with little Audrey. She’ll be one year old a month from now. As her birthday approaches, I think sometimes about her birth, how it doesn’t feel like it was eleven months ago. I remember my labor so distinctly. It probably helps that I took the time to write out […]
Archive for the ‘Attachment Parenting’ Category
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Audrey, Freya, tagged birth on May 12, 2013 | Comments Off on mothering
sometimes I just want to throw the TV out the window
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Audrey, tagged lazy, magazines, sick on February 23, 2013 | Comments Off on sometimes I just want to throw the TV out the window
I’m listening to the ballgame on the radio; spring is coming. Today and tomorrow Brian is away in Seattle most of the day. I’m here with a little girl who is ONCE AGAIN sick. Seems bad this time — her voice is hoarse and nose extra snotty. Sigh. Getting very tired of the back to […]
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, tagged discipline on March 14, 2012 | Comments Off on mainstream
We’ve been going to a “gymnastics” class on Tuesdays. It’s pretty much a bunch of two and three year olds running around like maniacs on the various stations: balance beam, rope swing, tumbling mats, and a short bar to swing on. Freya is the only girl. I assumed a gymnastics class would be full of […]
seven weeks
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, tagged pregnant, winter on November 13, 2011 | Comments Off on seven weeks
Having a shitty cold at the same time one gets pregnant kind of complicates things, makes pregnancy symptoms harder to distinguish, and all around sucks. But this cold seems to FINALLY, after four weeks, be leaving me. Also getting pregnant at the onset of winter kinda sucks too — it’s dark and cold and damp […]
music class
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, Milestones, tagged music, sleep on September 13, 2011 | Comments Off on music class
Summer’s nearly over. But I love fall, a REAL fall, with colored leaves and crisp air and a few sunny days. Sweaters, boots, coats, scarves, and no more sunscreen (except on the face). Plus it means that Freya’s second birthday will soon be here. I look forward to her third year, when she will begin […]
sharing the bed
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, tagged co-sleeping on August 19, 2011 | 1 Comment »
Babies are not meant to sleep alone. In fact, I don’t think humans are really meant to sleep alone in general, but ESPECIALLY babies. Adults, well, some of us like to share the bed but not cuddle (too hot), but I guess what we like is just knowing our partner is there. Nearby. Within arm’s […]
goodnight milk
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, Health and Fitness, Milestones, tagged fat, sleep, vanity, weaning on August 18, 2011 | Comments Off on goodnight milk
Decided to work on night weaning with earnest last night. Freya is almost 22 months old and I know she is nursing at night now out of habit rather than need. She can still nurse during the day of course, but we need to start focusing on other ways of getting back to sleep, which […]
personal time
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, Health and Fitness, Milestones, tagged coffee, playdates, running on August 17, 2011 | Comments Off on personal time
Last weekend, my good friend Christina offered to take Freya for three hours to play at her house with her son, Evan. The big day arrived yesterday, and at nine o’clock I dropped my daughter off for her morning of fun. The first thing I did was to drive to the local high school track. […]
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, Milestones, tagged co-sleeping on June 28, 2011 | Comments Off on noise
Construction on the road behind our back fence has begun and will continue all summer. Chainsaws. They chopped down a row of trees next to the soccer field. Not sure why they had to do that just to build a sidewalk — there was more than enough space. Now I hear them shouting and throwing […]
eine kleine nachtweaning
Posted in Attachment Parenting, Freya, tagged breastfeeding, sleep, weaning on February 10, 2011 | Comments Off on eine kleine nachtweaning
Oh poor Freya boo. She wakes up in the night, wants to nurse, points at my chest with her finger and cries out pitifully, “naaah? naahhh??” while kicking her legs and becoming ever more frustrated as I rub her back and soothe her as gently as I can. You aren’t a newborn, honey. You don’t […]
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