Yesterday before lunch, the whole family (including Kona) went for a short (25 min.) run in our neighborhood. I am NOT a “runner” but I want to try as it’s excellent conditioning and a good way to increase heart rate the same way as with burst training. Since I am fairly out of shape, endurance-wise, […]
Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category
Posted in Cooking and Food, Health and Fitness, tagged running on June 14, 2011 | Comments Off on running
Posted in Cooking and Food, Health and Fitness, tagged burst training, slow carb on May 10, 2011 | Comments Off on training
Just finished my burst training workout. It takes about five minutes total, and I have been doing it every morning for almost two weeks. Though it is brief, it is very hard because it involves things like pushups and crunches done at high speeds. Ouch. I need stronger shoulders. Though I sometimes dread this workout, […]
Posted in Freya, Health and Fitness, tagged flowers, sick on March 10, 2011 | Comments Off on sick
I caught Freya’s cold, and so did Brian. She recovered in less than 24 hours, but Brian and I are not as tough as our little baby, so we are both kind of a mess. But she still must be cared for, so while I’d love to be laying on the couch with some tea, […]
body metrics
Posted in Health and Fitness, tagged tv, weight loss, yoga on March 8, 2011 | Comments Off on body metrics
Last night, at the insistence of my husband — who considers being a personal trainer something of a hobby — I completed a body metrics form, which required me to tape measure certain parts of myself: hips, waist, thighs, etc. Ugh. Oh and I had to step on the scale, too. I found myself 1/2 […]
Posted in Health and Fitness, tagged san francisco, yoga on March 1, 2011 | Comments Off on yoga
Last night I went to a “therapeutic” yoga class in a small studio downtown. I used a five class gift certificate Brian gave me for Mother’s Day last year. The last time I took an organized yoga class was in August of 2007 in San Francisco. It was a Bikram studio near our apartment in […]
taking care of myself
Posted in Cooking and Food, Health and Fitness, tagged vanity, walking on February 28, 2011 | Comments Off on taking care of myself
Tomorrow is March 1st. It means that spring will be here in about six to eight weeks. But seriously, there is light at the end of this long winter’s tunnel. And I need to make some changes. Throughout this miserable season, I have been quite inactive, and have eaten far too many unhealthy snacks, treats, […]
hunter gatherer
Posted in Cooking and Food, Health and Fitness, tagged agriculture, berries, nuts, prehistoric, skin on January 30, 2011 | Comments Off on hunter gatherer
While in the shower this morning, I thought to myself, why am I still having skin problems, at my age? I mean, I don’t have big red flaring erupting pimples, just an overabundance of clogged pores and the little bumps they cause. I don’t have smooth skin, maybe never have (well, except that time I […]
Posted in Freya, Health and Fitness, tagged birds, moon on January 19, 2011 | Comments Off on waving
I’ve kind of let myself go over the holidays. Baking, cooking, parties, and so on, plus no real exercise to speak of. Well, at least I indulged mostly in homemade goodies, right? No HFCS! Anyhoo, time to get back into my walking every day routine. Weather permitting. The best time to do this is first […]