Did people of the 1700s record their dreams? Psychology was in its most embryonic stage, so while of course humans (and animals!) have always had dreams, I wonder what those of the 18th century thought of them? Did they consider them prophetic, meaningful, frightening? Probably all three. And what did they dream about? I know […]
Posts Tagged ‘dreams’
Deep Sleep
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged dreams on January 29, 2017 | Comments Off on Deep Sleep
the teething
Posted in Audrey, tagged dreams on April 7, 2013 | Comments Off on the teething
Audrey has cut one top incisor and one bottom incisor. It mustn’t feel very good because she has been complaining quite a lot in her sleep and can only be consoled by the boob, meaning much sleeplessness for me. A night full of broken sleep for me also means a night full of bizarre dreams. […]
it’s quiet
Posted in Misc, tagged dreams, sick on February 27, 2013 | Comments Off on it’s quiet
Everyone is still in bed. Audrey seemed to sleep okay last night, though did wake to nurse as usual and had some short coughing fits. The coughing scares me. I know cough is a normal part of a chest cold, but I also know it can turn into something worse, and I don’t like thinking […]
burning up
Posted in Freya, tagged co-sleeping, dreams, fever on January 28, 2011 | Comments Off on burning up
It took fifteen months, but Freya has her first fever. I realize that we are fortunate that it took this long. She’s had one (maybe two?) 24-hour sniffle attacks before this. In general she is an exceptionally healthy baby. I am filled to the brim with gratitude for that. Anyway I woke up at 4am […]
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged dreams, pregnant on October 3, 2009 | 1 Comment »
Something that has occurred to us as we get closer to childbirth: there will be a new person living in our house. For years now it’s just been me and Brian, and our pets. When he goes off to do something, I’m alone. But very soon, there will be this third person. Yes, she’ll be […]
someday I’ll be skinny again
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged dreams, pregnant, shopping on June 4, 2009 | Comments Off on someday I’ll be skinny again
The other night I despaired while attempting to try on various adorable pajamas and nightgowns that once fit me but now look like sausage casing on my body. My legs are enormous. Breastmilk, breastmilk, it’s all future breastmilk!! And it’s all for her. So, I’m okay with it. Today I went to Pee in the […]
egg salad
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged dreams, pregnant on April 22, 2009 | Comments Off on egg salad
I had a dream this morning that I went into this “maternity room” where a bunch of other pregnant women were sitting. When I walked in, one said, “are you pregnant?” I said yes, then she said, “no you’re not!” “Yes I am, I am fifteen weeks pregnant,” I replied. “Do you want me to […]
dreams I had this morning while sleeping in
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged dreams, pregnant on March 8, 2009 | Comments Off on dreams I had this morning while sleeping in
+ I was visiting my dad and wanted to take a shower, but they had walled up all the tubs so they couldn’t be used. I kind of threw a shit fit (pregnant) + I was in a meeting at work but didn’t have to be there so I left and got into an elevator […]
thursday morning
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged dreams, kona on February 5, 2009 | Comments Off on thursday morning
I had a dream last night that I was in a basement and looking across the dimness at several gigantic, kitten-sized spiders sitting in their webs. I am not as scared of spiders as I used to be, but in my dreams they always tend to be monstrous. These ones were yellow, and fast. Of […]
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged dreams, kona on November 1, 2008 | 2 Comments »
I had a dream this morning just before I got up. I was at the bottom of this huge ravine, turning to find the best way to climb out. All sides were grassy, sandy hills, covered in trees and brush. I found a path and started climbing. Halfway up, I heard some noises, like small […]